Updated May 07, 2024 by the ABC7 Data Team
Updated May 07, 2024 by the ABC7 Data Team

ABC7 is tracking crime and safety across the city of Los Angeles and in your neighborhood.

We have paused updates to this tracker temporarily while LAPD switches to a new records management system for reporting crimes and arrests.

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Aggravated assaults

Last 12 months
Through March 04

Average Aggravated Assaults

Yearly average
2019 to 2022

Aggravated Assault Rate

Per 100,000 people
Last 12 months

Average Aggravated Assault Rate

Per 100,000 people
2019 to 2022

Aggravated assaults over the last 12 months are up 4% compared to the annual average over the last four years, according to the latest Los Angeles Police Department data through March 04.

The city averaged 382 aggravated assaults a week over the last 12 months. In 2019, that number was 332 a week.

The totals include only aggravated assaults, which police generally define as someone being attacked or seriously injured by another person, whether or not they used a firearm or other weapon.

A closer look at Los Angeles assaults neighborhood by neighborhood

The danger is not the same neighborhood to neighborhood. ABC7’s data team looked at data from the Los Angeles Police Department by neighborhood from 2019 through March 04, 2024, the latest date for which records are available.

The map color codes each area by the aggravated assault rate over the last 12 months. The three darker blues represent neighborhoods with assault rates that are higher than the citywide rate. You can also click the box in the bottom right corner to see neighborhoods by the number of aggravated assaults.

Click on any area to see detailed numbers or the buttons at the bottom of the map to switch between numbers and rates.

You can find your neighborhood by using the box at the top of the map to search for any street, place, landmark or zip code to zoom to that location or search the table below the map to view and compare data by area over more than a decade.

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We want your feedback and input on the Neighborhood Safety Tracker so that we can continue to make improvements and upgrades. Click here to share your thoughts.