Updated March 12, 2025 by the Eyewitness News Data Team
Updated March 12, 2025 by the Eyewitness News Data Team

Eyewitness News is tracking crime and safety across New York City and in your neighborhood.

You can choose which crime to explore:

Homicides This Year

Year To Date
Through March 09

Homicides Last Year

Year To Date
Same Period in 2023

Homicide Rate

Per 100,000 people
Last 12 months

Average Homicide Rate

Per 100,000 people
2021 to 2023

Homicides so far this year are trending down 21.5% compared to the same time period in 2023, according to the latest data available from the New York Police Department.

However, the murder rate over the last 12 months is down when compared to the annual average over the last three years, and the frequency of killings remains higher than it was before the pandemic.

The city is averaging 7 homicides a week over the last 12 months. In 2019, that number was 6 a week.

One way to think about the danger: five years ago, the murder rate was 3.6 per 100,000 residents. It rose during the pandemic to 5.5 per 100,000 people, or less than your chance of being killed in a motor vehicle crash in New York.

However, homicide remains a very low risk in New York compared to other causes of death. New Yorkers are still twice as likely to die from high blood pressure, four times as likely to die from diabetes, five times as likely from a drug overdose or more than 20 times as likely from cancer.

The risk is not the same neighborhood to neighborhood.

ABC7’s data team looked at the New York Police Department’s data by neighborhood from 2020 through March 09.

A closer look at homicides by neighborhood

The map color-codes each neighborhood by the homicide rate over the last 12 months. The three darker blues highlight neighborhoods where the murder rate is higher than the citywide rate.

You can click any neighborhood to see detailed numbers or the buttons at the bottom of the map to switch between numbers and rates. You can search for a street, place, landmark or zip code to zoom to that location.

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